100th Post!

Welcome to Ampersand’s 100th post! Crazy right? When I started this blog, I worried that I’d have nothing to write about (lol), so my 100th post is a pretty big deal to me. To celebrate, I’m reliving my top 10 favorite posts of all time. Enjoy!

1. My first post ever.

Wonder why my blog is called Ampersand? Now you can find out!

2. The tribute to my Baci. 

Probably one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. It will never do my Baci justice, but I hope you’ll get to know one of the most influential people in my life a little more.

Baci and her grandaughters

love you Baci

3. El Paso, TX. 

Seeing the American-Mexican border will always be one of the most eye opening experiences I’ll ever have.

4. My 22-year old bucket list. 

I wrote this post on a plane, during probably one of the most difficult times in my life. I was determined to turn my year around and looking back, 22 was one of the best years of my life. 

Here's to 22

cheers to 22

5. One year wiser…

Then when I turned 23, I wrote a follow up post to that 22-year-old bucket list with some of the lessons I learned. It’s funny how much can change in 365 days.

6. Confessions of a Barista

If I ever served you coffee, you were inspiration for this post.

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Necessities in life.

7. Click here for the best summer reads!

I enlisted the help of Ryan to make the ultimate book recommendation list. Promise you won’t be disappointed!

8. Thoughts on Graduating

Nova grads–this one will give you a lot of feelings. Speaking of Nova…



One of the best nights of my life.

10. Currently where I’m at.

Post grad is all about change, and I’m trying to get better at it.

Thank you to everyone who’s even taken the smallest interest in this blog–I love writing and will keep doing it if you’ll keep reading.

Here’s to 100th posts & finally feeling like a real blogger. &.

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