Live Like a College Senior

Around this time every year, I get a little nostalgic for my second semester of senior year of college. Truth be told, those 5 months were some of the happiest/most fun of my life. Of course it was partially because I was at my favorite place/second home with my absolute favorite people, but it was also my “senior year mentality” that made me so happy. It kind of got me thinking–while it’s impossible for the real world to exactly resemble that last semester of college (sorry to burst your bubble), we can take some of that senior year mentality and apply it to our lives now. I think we all get a little caught up post-grad about how “old” we are since we’re “adults.” But in reality, we are still so young & should rightfully act like it. So here are some aspects of that second semester mentality that can be applied to everyday life. Sure, we can’t act exactly like a college kid in the real world (probably for the best), but we can start to think like one.


the epitome of my senior year^^

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7 Study Tips for College & Grad School

If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s school. I’ve just always been really good at school. This is not me bragging that I’m super smart or a genius (faaaar from it), but I’ve always been really good at taking notes, studying, writing papers, etc. Maybe it’s because I’m a perfectionist/Type A and I can focus for long periods of time? But studying has always been one of my strong suits (it’s okay, you can totally call me a nerd).

However, I realize that studying can be super challenging for some people. And as I transition back into grad school after not being in class for 2 years, it was definitely a challenge for me as well. So here are 7 study tips that I’ve personally found helpful through my academic career. These are great for either college or grad school–I’ve done them in both cases. Honestly, it’s really all about knowing yourself and what works for you. Always set yourself up for success. Keep reading to find out more!

The AP style guide: my constant companion

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Likes & Favorites: Back-to-School

Even though it’s been two years since I’ve graduated college (ew I’m cringing as I write that), I still mark a “new year” at the end of August/beginning of September. It’s probably because I’ve been accustomed to the academic calendar for the majority of my life, but as soon as there’s a hint of fall, that back-to-school excitement (even if I’m not going back to school!) sets in.

Well, this year is a tad different considering am going back to school (sorta). This week, I’m starting grad school part time, so I’m reliving all the pre-school jitters that I’ve missed the past two years. In honor of the reinstatement of homework and papers in my life, this likes & favorites is all about the things I’m loving as I start this new school year. Even if you’re not going back to school, most of the things on this list are great if you’re looking for a fresh start this fall.

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