“It’s all taken care of”

To recap all of Kasia’s deep-life posts:

And while these are all good & dandy and serve as some nice lessons at different times of your (and my) life, they’re kind of pointless without one thing:


(Also see: faith, chilling the f*ck out in general).

I can say timing is everything, honor where I am & aim to let go, but am I truly good at believing and trusting that everything’s going to work out/be okay without my complete control over it?

Lol. Sure.

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How to Help a Friend Who’s Struggling with their Mental Health

So something I’ve been trying to do more on Ampersand is talk about mental health. I truly believe the best way to break down stigmas & help those who need love and support is to start talking about these issues openly and honestly. Educating ourselves and others is the only way to make mental health less of a “taboo” topic–because in reality we ALL should be focused on being mentally healthy. It’s just as important as physical health, and honestly, the majority of Americans are pretty bad at prioritizing it.

With the recent deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, I’ve seen a lot more articles and discussions surrounding suicide as well as other mental health issues (although we could be talking about them a lot more). The articles that I’ve been gravitating towards are specifically ones on how to be a better friend & advocate to those struggling with mental health. I am not a mental health professional by ANY means, but the articles below touch on different mental health topics & how to help those who are struggling.

When in doubt, just show people love. Love is the best thing you can give (to anyone). You never know exactly what people are going through but showing and giving love is something that we can all do. Keep on reading to become a better mental health advocate.

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just a reminder.


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How to Deal with Disappointment

To be honest, this post has been sitting in my drafts since early March. Mostly because 1. I had more inspiration to write other posts (it happens to all bloggers) and 2. I had to figure out actually how to deal with disappointment myself (it’s a bit of a process!)

Back in March, I got some disappointing news. Upon hearing that news, of course I felt a slew of emotions: sadness, frustration, hopelessness, doubt, anger. But what really rang true was disappointment. Things didn’t work out the way I had hoped & I was truly just… disappointed.

Disappointment is interesting. It’s a little more complex than other emotions & it’s honestly something that we will all feel (to varying degrees) throughout our lives. So here are a few things that helped me wrestle with disappointment. Hopefully some of these tips help! But of course, you know yourself best so always trust you have everything you need to take care of yourself. You got this.


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