Likes & Favorites: Gobble, Gobble

Hey, what’s up, hello. Welcome to this month’s Likes & Favorites. November is flyyyying by. It’s basically Thanksgiving already & I’m currently planning a Christmas Brunch (priorities). Anyways, here’s what I’ve been liking & favoriting recently–just a little bit of everything to enjoy during the beginning of the holiday season!


sweater weather

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My Favorite Fall Sweaters Under $50

Hello friends & welcome to sweater weather. Y’all know I’m a summer girl at heart, but I actually like my fall/winter wardrobe way more than my warm weather clothes. I’ve been dying to break out my sweaters (and buy a few new ones…) and this past week was finally cold enough to do it! So I figured that I’d do a round-up of my favorite fall sweaters (all under $50, you’re welcome). I own the majority of these sweaters or they’re currently in my shopping cart just waiting to be purchased. Time to cozy up!

fall sweaters

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Likes & Favorites: Hi October!

My Babci used to say that the sky always seemed bluer in the fall. It might be because of the trees changing colors or just the crispness in the air, but the sky is truly beautiful this time of year. This past weekend was the first time it finally felt like a true fall day & I could not have been happier. And my Babci was right–I’m pretty sure the sky is more blue in the autumn.

Anyways, it’s officially October. Aka my favorite month of the whole year. Not only is it my birthday month (turning 25 oh so soon, what??), but everything is quintessentially fall. I plan on partaking in all the fun, fall activities, drinking all the apple cider & of course, eating all the pumpkin-flavored things. Honestly, no shame. This season goes quick so might as well fully enjoy it while it’s here. Speaking of things I’m enjoying, here’s some likes & favorites to help you make the most out of fall.

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

I just want to live in an apple orchard. 

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