
It only takes a few ingredients to make bittersweetness. A twinge of sadness, a pinch of happiness, a definitive ending & a hopeful beginning. Add some tears, a little laughter, wrap it all up in a deep sense of gratitude and you have a nice cup of bittersweet.

Bittersweetness might be the most complex emotion. The waves of sadness and sweetness are perfectly equal even though it seems impossible to be washed over with both at the same time. But I think it’s also the most beautiful way to feel truly alive, right here, right now.

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24 Lessons I Learned When I Was Twenty Four

Today I turned 25. I thought I’d have a little more of a quarter-life crisis moment, but honestly I’m feeling pretty okay. Maybe that’s because I had my quarter-life crisis when I was 20 because I’m kind of a weirdo like that. Regardless, I am officially twenty-five. And for the first time, I actually feel sorta like a grownup. It’s weird, I never thought I’d get here. It’s like I’ve finally transitioned from “adulting” to just “adult.” At the same time, I also feel incredibly young, in the best way. Like this is the start to some of the best years of my life. Crazy stuff.

Generally when I think about this upcoming year, I’m really excited. I just feel like it’s going to be a big year full of firsts & surprises. In retrospect, I feel like 24 was a year of preparation, maybe for all these exciting things I’m anticipating. I learned a lot of things when I was 24. There were a lot of big events that occurred as well as long stretches of stagnancy. Both periods taught me different things–all valuable lessons that life thought I needed to learn. So, as I normally do on my birthday (you can check out 22, 23 & 24), here are some things I learned this past year. Twenty four, you were a doozy–thank you for the wild ride.

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25 & I still love hanging out in pumpkin patches.

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10 Random Things to Keep in Your Apartment

Last month, I wrote a post about all the random things to keep in your desk at work & I got a lot of great feedback! (I’m happy my collection of random things made your workdays better). So in a similar train of thought, I figured I’d list the random things to always keep in your apartment. Some are more obvious than others, but everything listed below has helped me in one circumstance or another. Again, this is beyond the apartment “basics” (cleaning products, coffee maker, pots & pans, etc. etc.) These are the random things you may not think of right away but will definitely come in handy.

cozy bedroom

of course there’s an ampersand in my room

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