Likes & Favorites: Quarantine Edition

Hello and welcome to Likes & Favorites: Quarantine Edition. For those of you who are new around here, Likes & Favorites is a category of Ampersand where I round up all the things I’m liking (and, you guessed it, favoriting). You can find all my Likes & Favorites from over the years right here.

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these so it’s long overdue. I’m here to make your quarantine easier/more enjoyable with the roundup of some of my favorite things below. Every item on this list I personally love and have recommended to people (multiple times). Enjoy~

Long live lounge wear

Things I don’t miss from “normal life”: commuting on SEPTA & wearing real pants. I’d joke around with my co-worker that I’d consider quitting my 9-5 desk job to teach yoga full time just so I could wear leggings every day. My dream has partially come true. Hey, if you’re one of those people who’s wearing jeans every day in quarantine, you do you (although quick q: what are you trying to prove?) but if you’re like the 95% of us, you’re rocking the lounge wear HARD.

I am a hugeeee fan of Aerie’s Play 7/8 Leggings. Shoutout to my sister for discovering them. After feeling how soft they were, I made her get me them for Christmas a few years ago. And then I bought two more pairs specifically for quarantine. I’ve also convinced two of my best friends & cousin to buy them. In the words of my cousin: “they feel like I’m wearing butter.” Yes, they’re actually that soft. Do yourself a huge favor a grab a pair (or a few).

I also (although I hate to admit) fell for the tie dye trend which prompted me to buy these French Terry joggers (read: fancy sweatpants) from Old Navy in “cool tie dye.” Also ridiculously soft and trendy~

Bye-bye eye strain

I’ve been wearing blue light blocking glasses consistently now for about 6 months & I swear that they help with my eye strain. (Could it be a placebo effect? Who’s to say. But I truly don’t get tension headaches anymore.) Of course I left my good pair of blue light glasses at the office (which are here btw if you want to pay a little more for a nice pair). Thankfully I found some on Amazon that are Prime eligible & less than $20. They’re not as good as my other ones (they’re a tad yellower), but they do the trick! I’ve gotten a lot of compliments on them & have sent the link to multiple people to buy them. What else is there to do except stare at screens all day? Protect your eyes.

Another mug I didn’t (technically) need

But it spiritually spoke to me, ya know? I saw this mug in Antrho legitimately for 6 months and every time I saw it, I thought to myself, “Wow I love that mug, that mug makes me happy, but Kasia you don’t NEED another mug.” But then quarantine hit & I started drinking coffee every day at home (actually one of my favorite things of my quarantine routine) and I said screw it! I’m treating myself to a new mug! (This was also amidst a 48-hour spending SPREE but I digress…) I’m so happy I got it. It makes me so happy every morning. It’s as beautiful in person as it is in the pictures. I posted it on my Insta story and got TONS of questions about it so figured I’d link it here. Also, it’s only $12. You can treat yourself, I give you permission.

More Tie Dye

The tie dye strikes again! To be fair, I did steal this look from one of my favorite bloggers (Jenn @ Southern Anchors–check her out!) because she just looked so CUTE & springy and tbh I wanted to look cute & springy too. This sweatshirt comes in a bunch of colors (mine is “yellow_blue”) and is great for lounging or post workout (once we’re allowed back at the gyms…can’t even imagine). Just a note*: the sweatshirt is pretty light (great for summer) and VERY cropped (I wear a small but could also be comfy in a medium) so size up if you want it a little longer/looser fit. Buy here!!

Making my room a spa

Specifically with lavender pillow mist. I’ve actually been using this specific mist ever since I graduated college & it was a necessary quarantine restock item. We’re home ALL DAY EVERY DAY (cuz duh, that’s the point of social distancing) so we might as well make our spaces as cozy, comfy & calming as possible. It’s so dumb and simple, but spritzing my pillow every night actually makes going to bed feel luxurious. Paired with some essential oil-hand lotion (I love eucalyptus spearmint scent), it’s basically like I’m at a spa. It might seem frivolous or silly, but we all deserve to pamper ourselves, k?

Liking the month of May (lowkey my second favorite month next to October) & Favoriting settling into my Quarantine routine &.

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