Quick & Easy Pumpkin Breakfast Cookies

True confession: I really, really don’t enjoy cooking. It’s not for lack of trying, though. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve attempted fun, Pinterest recipes only for them to turn out slightly-above-mediocre. People argue that cooking is creative & you can add your own flair without having to follow a strict recipe. Personally, that has never worked for me. And to people who can just whip something together, I envy you because for some reason I just suck at cooking.

That being said, I love love love baking. I love the precision of baking–if you follow the recipe strictly to a T, it will turn out well no matter what. Being a Type A, this makes my soul happy.

Good news is, it’s fall so that means it’s officially baking season! I made these easy (& healthy!!) pumpkin breakfast cookies the other week and loved them. For all you “just eyeball-it” cooks out there, this baking recipe doesn’t have to be super precise (it’s flexible & will turn out well if you generally follow the instructions), and for all you bakers out there like me, there is some precision and a guarantee that you won’t mess it up. Oh, and they only take 15 minutes to make & they’re gluten and dairy-free. Keep scrolling to find out more.

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easy, healthy & pumpkin-y.

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What to Expect from Your First Yoga Class

When I first stepped onto a yoga mat about 4 years ago, I never anticipated how much it would change my life. That sounds dramatic, but consistently practicing yoga has not only affected me physically, but also emotionally, mentally & spiritually. If I don’t go to yoga for a few days, I actually feel off balance (true story). It’s completely a part of my life.

That said, I realize that not a lot of people have been exposed to yoga or have even tried it before. And I think sometimes it can be intimidating when all you see on Instagram are they crazy yogis in contorted postures. So I decided to dedicate a post to all the things to expect from your first yoga class. Hopefully it’ll put some of your worries at ease & encourage you to try it. Remember, the hardest part is showing up to your mat. Read on to learn how to become a yogi~

tree pose

tree pose

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The Best Healthy Ice Cream Brands to Try

*Hi there! Super excited to have a guest post~ here on Ampersand. Just like how I love sharing cool new things with you, I love when people share awesome ideas/tips/events with me! Meet my friend & roomie, Haley–ice cream enthusiast & fan of Ampersand. Y’all can follow her on Insta here


Haley is a financial public relations professional living in Philly. Outside of work, you’ll find her running, spinning, doing yoga or loungin’ in the sun with a good book.

It’s the middle of summer, and nothing’s better than a nice, cold ice cream. A few times during the summer I’ll actually just have ice cream for dinner and call it a day (because I’m an adult and I can do whatever I want). However, I really do try to stick to a healthy diet so my ice cream indulgences are minimal, but there’s been a surge of healthy ice cream options so I decided I would try some of the different brands and flavors. I was super excited when Kasia asked me to write a review for the blog! Here are some of my favorites & my honest thoughts about them. 

healthy ice cream

healthy & delicious

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